Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp.

7:30am-4pm M-F: (800) 237-2099  |  24-hour emergency: (800) 451-9465  

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9 out of 10 new single family homes built in the Midwest feature natural gas.

Manage Your Bill

Need help paying your bill?

If you need assistance or know
someone who does, there are
programs available to help.

Pay My Bill Online

Pay your bill in three easy steps.
All you need is your account
number from your paper bill.

Budget Payment Plan

If you would like to be placed
on a convenient budget plan,
please contact our customer
service department at
for all the details and to sign up.

Privacy & Legal  |  2011 Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp.  |  5640 Lancaster-Newark Rd. Pleasantville, OH 43148